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Sunday 23 December 2012

Rwanda kuongoza Afrika kwa Tehama

Rais wa Rwanda,Paul Kagame  
WAKATI anaingia madarakani Machi 24, 2000 kama Rais wa Rwanda, Paul Kagame alitoa ahadi kadhaa kusaidia kukuza uchumi.
Akionekana kufuata misingi ya utawala bora na kujali maisha ya wananchi wake, ahadi nyingi hivi sasa zinatekelezwa kwa vitendo.
Maisha baada ya vita
Chini ya miaka kumi na tano baada ya mauaji ya kimbari yaliyoangamiza watu wengi, miundombinu na hali ya kijamii na uchumi nchini humo,  hivi sasa Rwanda  inaonekana kuja kuwa makao makuu ya Teknolojia ya Habari na Mawasiliano (Tehama) kwa nchi za Ukanda wa Kusini mwa Jangwa la Sahara.
Wachambuzi wa mambo wanasema pongezi ziiendee mipango mizuri ya Serikali ya kuendeleza miundombinu ya mawasiliano nchini humo, ikiwa ni pamoja na simu za mikononi na mitandao ya ‘ Fibre optic na PC.
Ikiwa imepewa jina la namba moja kwa Tehama kwa nchi za  Afrika Mashariki na Shirika la Biashara na Maendeleo la Umoja wa Mataifa (UNCTAD), Rwanda imefaidika kutokana na vitega uchumi vinavyolenga Tehama kutoka kwa kampuni kubwa za kimataifa kama vile Microsoft, Nokia na Terracom.
Bajeti ya Tehama  ya taifa hilo kwa sasa,  iko sambamba na viwango vya Shirika la Ushirikiano wa Kiuchumi na Maendeleo (OECD), ambalo linaundwa na mataifa tajiri 30, kwa asilimia 1.6, juu ya wastani wa Afrika kwa mbali.
Ikiwa imekabiliwa na uchumi uliozorota, mwaka 2000 Rwanda ilizindua “Dira yake ya mwaka 2020” ili kujenga na kufufua kikamilifu uchumi wa Rwanda, kwa lengo la kuwa na hadhi ya taifa lenye uchumi wa kati     ifikapo mwaka 2020.
Dira ya 2020
Wakati mkakati wa Dira ya 2020 unaangalia kilimo, viwanda, na masuala ya kijamii, ukosefu wa bandari, bei za juu za nauli za ndege na kukosekana kwa utulivu,  kumeifanya Serikali ya Rwanda kuwekeza katika uchumi uliojikita kwenye ICT kama msingi mkuu.
Ikiwa imezindua programu ya utafiti wa kisayansi na elimu, teknolojia na ugunduzi na usambazaji wa mawasiliano, Dira ya 2020 ina lengo la kutoa wanasayansi wenye elimu kubwa na mafundi ili kutimiza haja ya uchumi wa kitaifa,  ambao utaingizwa katika mkakati mkuu wa maendeleo ya kiuchumi na kijamii kwa ajili ya wakazi wa  Rwanda.
Serikali za nchi  wahisani nazo zimejiingiza pia kwenye behewa la Tehama. Ni mwezi uliopita tu, Idara ya Maendeleo ya Kimataifa ya Uingereza (DFID) ilitangaza ingezindua mradi wa thamani ya pauni 700,000 (dola milioni 1.4) kwa kushirikiana na Serikali ya Rwanda na Benki ya Dunia ,kwa lengo la kufanya ugunduzi katika sayansi na teknolojia na ukuaji wa kiuchumi katika nchi hiyo.
Mtandao wa Maendeleo ya Rwanda, njia ya mtandao ya sekta ya maendeleo ya Rwanda, inaona Tehama  kama dirisha la fursa kufikia hatua ya maendeleo ya viwanda na kubadili uchumi kuwa wa kihabari na maarifa,  ili kuweza kukabiliana kikamilifu na changamoto za maendeleo nchini humo,  na wakati huo huo ikitumia fursa mpya za kiuchumi na kijamii.
Askari 25  waliopokonywa silaha zao, kwa mfano, walipewa vyeti vya ufundi wa kompyuta mwaka 2006 na asasi yenye makao yake mjini Washington DC ya ‘Development Gateway Foundation’.
“Lengo la mafunzo hayo lilikuwa kusaidia kuwafanya askari waliokuwa jeshini kupata kazi za ufundi wa Tehama. Baadhi wameshaanza kushirikiana na kampuni za kutengeneza kompyuta,” anasema Meneja Mradi wa kituo cha mafunzo ya Tehama cha Kanda (RITC) mjini Kigali,  Jerome Gasana. Source:MWANANCHI

Wednesday 7 November 2012

How to Rename "Recycle Bin"?

How to Rename "Recycle Bin"?

You can change your Recycle Bin name to another one like Trash or Dust Bin or any other names. You will have to modify your Registry files to do this.

First method

To rename Recycle Bin, follow these steps:
  • Click on "Start" > Run > type "Regedit" to open the Registry Editor
  • Press "Ctrl"+F" to search for the strings containing the word "Recycle bin".
  • Change the value data of "Recycle Bin" to another name you want like "Trash" or "Dust Bin"
  • Press F3 to continue searching for 'Recycle Bin' and change wherever you come across 'Recycle Bin' to its new name.
  • Repeat step 4 until you have finished with searching and changed all values to its new name.
  • Close "regedit" and hit F5 on desktop to see the new name on screen.

Please note that it's very important to backup your registry before doing any changes!

2nd method

  • Click Start / Run
  • Type regedit and press enter.
  • Open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder
  • Open the CLSID folder
  • Open the {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} folder
  • Open the ShellFolder folder
  • Change the Attributes data value from 40 01 00 20 to 50 01 00 20.
  • Once completed change the CallForAttributes dword value to 0x00000000
    • (double-click and change value data to 0). You must change both of these values to get the rename to appear.
  • After performing the above steps you will be able to rename the icon like any other icon.
  • Right-click the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop and click Rename and rename it to whatever you wish.

Remove (IDM) completely from your System without formatting

Remove (IDM) completely from your System without formatting

Uninstall and Remove Internet Download Manager completely from your system without formatting. Download the tiny program Unregister IDM to get rid of IDM completely.Also download our giveaway : A IDM V6.07.12 with a working crack file and Unregister IDM program.

If anyone of you has encountered seeing this image, then you must read this article till the end.

Whenever you exceed the time beyond trial version or update a pirated version of the software using a fake key, you will be encountered with this situation.
Users addicted to IDM may start mourning whenever they see such notification, because the only method known to get rid of corrupt IDM is formatting the entire disk. IDM is a stubborn software which cannot be got rid off easily. The Registry Values stay in your system despite uninstalling the software, and prevent you from installing a new copy of the software. The problem lies in hunting those registry values.
Its a MYTH that you need to format the entire disk. You  need to change the registry values and there is a program which can just do that. Follow the following steps to uninstall IDM from your System .
First of all, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager (default location), or wherever it’s installed in your system. Run the small application titled Uninstall from the folder. This will basically remove the program from your System. Your will reboot after Uninstalling.
Completely delete even the Internet Download Manager folder from the Program Files section.
Now you need to get rid of the Registry Values. Now Download the Unregister IDM program, I found this amazing little piece of program while scourging for methods to get rid of IDM. After Uninstalling, extract this program and simply double-click and run Unregister IDM.
This will get rid of the existing and previous installations of IDM completely from your System. Isn’t it a great piece of news? You did not have to format your entire disk at all for a simple but stubborn program like IDM.
Please wait for 8 seconds after clicking the above link. Then press “Skip this Ad” to start downloading. Please co-operate with the ad. It Pays for our Maintenence. 
If you love this tip, please consider Sharing the tip as well. Sign Up and stay updated for more tips and tricks.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Toa NavBar kwenye blog yako

  Today i am going to show you that how to remove Blogger NavBar.Blogger has some very cool features as well as some bad features.One of them is NavBar some people likes it some not.
So if you want to remove NavBar from your blogger then follow the following easy steps

To Remove or Hide NavBar 

Step 1: 

Go to Blogger Dashboard > Edit Html and search for <![CDATA[ 

 Step 2:

Place following code just after <![CDATA[ 

#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;


Step 3:

Click on Save Template and you had done…

Hope this method will help you

Feel free to comment..


Wednesday 31 October 2012

Ms Office 2013 Free.(How to get it and fully activate it)

Niaje wakuu leo tutaona jinsi y
a ku activate Microsoft Office 2013 professional Plus ambayo the Final version imeshakuwa leaked tayari kwanza Download it from hapa:

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 x64-x86 English (MSDN) [ (download torrent) - TPB

Wakati unadownload sio lazima udownload all the files as you can see kuna 32 Bit na 64 Bit version so chagua inayokusuite na idownload..

Katika activation ni shughuli kidogo but nimetegeneza video step by step how to activate it na kingine lazima uwe na skype installed coz utatumia kupiga ili upewe confirmation code ya kufinilize activation. nimepata keys kadhaa na hapo nitaonyesha moja tu hizi ni original licenses(1 license ni $500) na nilizonazo sasa zishakuwa crowded na ukicativate hivi hivi bila kutumia njia ya telephone itakuambia kuwa iyo key imetumia tayari at it's max use.. so follow my steps kwenye video na pia kama hii key itakugomea kupata iyo confirmation code ni pm nikupe nyingine.. cheers..

The license key used : 6HDB9-BNRGY-J3F83-CF43C-D67TX

I recommend you watch it in full screen!

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Five Tips To Keep Your Blog Ideas Fresh .

Fresh Flowing River
Guest Post - Our host is Christopher Wallace, In this post Christopher has some tips to keep your blog fresh.See How ToBecome a guest author on Spice Up Your Blog.

There's no quicker way to kill your blog than to let it go stale. If you devotedly post every day for months, building a follower base, and then completely drop out for weeks at a time, people will be slow to return.

The most successful blogs add fresh content daily. Even if you're a one-man-or-woman operation, that should be your goal.
Of course, uninspiring (dare I say, boring) posts can be just as detrimental. If you have nothing to say, it can be better to say nothing at all.

So how do you ensure that you have fresh content to write about every day that never feels dull or tiring? We're talking about exciting posts that POP off the page. Is that possible, day in and day out?

Start a Running List

Your goal should be to have eight topics on hand, every day. Perhaps you have a few post ideas you've been turning around in your head for awhile. Go ahead and create a document and add those to it. I use a Google document because I can edit it from the Google Drive app on my phone and tablet. You could also use a Word doc (and access it via Dropbox when you're mobile) and send yourself text messages or emails when you have an idea.

Put Yourself on Constant Alert

If you're a blogger, you're already 'on call' most of the time. We never know when we'll stumble upon a good idea or read something that inspires a post. Now that you've organized your idea list into a document, there are no more excuses for forgetting about a good idea because you didn't write it down. When you have a blog idea, immediately add it to your list or send yourself a note in a manner where you won't forget about it.

Make Bookmark Programs Your Friend

Taking quick notes about a blog idea is now more convenient than ever, thanks to bookmark applications like Evernote and Pinterest. I used to keep a Pinterest board that was just for 'pinning' stories I found online that gave me an idea for my own posts. Because Pinterest is so public, I ended up switching to Evernote for this purpose, but it's possible to set up a second Pinterest page if you don't want to confuse your followers by mixing blog notes about social media trends with your pins about what to cook for dinner. Evernote allows me to not only bookmark a page, but to copy sections of text into a note and add my own thoughts on the fly. It's proved a very useful tool for saving blog ideas on-the-go.

Read Like-Minded Blogs

Reflecting on the ideas presented by similar bloggers is obviously a great way to get ideas for your own posts, but the time to do that is not when you sit down to write. If you go searching for a concept at crunch-time, you're less likely to contribute your own perspective (and more likely to end up ripping off someone else's post in your own words). Go blog fishing AFTER you've written your post for the day. Find ideas that you like, bookmark them, and then add your own take on the concept to your topic list. By the time you sit down to write on the similar topic, your unique angle will have had time to marinate and your writing and ideas will be truly your own.

Repeat and Replenish

When it's time to sit down and write, having eight potential topics to choose from means that you're virtually guaranteed to find something that's particularly inspiring to you that day. Of course, there will be plenty of times where a post idea hits you on the spot, and it ends up becoming a blog without ever reaching that topic list. But when you do draw from your list, it's important to add new ideas to it to replace the ones you've used. Make it your goal to keep eight running ideas at all times. If one goes stale or you utilize one for a post, go web surfing or just sit and brainstorm until you find another to replace it. Remember, you're just thinking of ideas for the topic list -- you can flesh them out later when it's time to write.

By keeping a steady supply of blog topics constantly churning in your mind (and written down, where they can't get lost), you're far less likely to ever sit down to post and feel like you have nothing to write. What other tricks have you utilized to keep your ideas fresh and constant?

Tuesday 2 October 2012


Ni ubunifu mzuri sana ambao 
Kwanza unakusaidia kubana matumizi yako ya kwenda kununua kizolea taka badala yake unatengeneza mwenyewe baada ya kumaliza kutumia kidumu chako cha mafuta au juice, 
Pili kwa wajasiriamali wadogo wadogo wanatakiwa wawe wabunifu kwa kubuni vitu kama hivi ambavyo gharama yake ni ndogo sana na unaweza ukakuza mtaji wako, 
Tatu kwa kutunza mazingira badala ya kutupa vidumu na kusababisha uchafuzi wa mazingira wewe unaweza kuvikusanya na kufanya kazi hii huku mwisho wa siku pesa inaingia mfukoni.
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Thursday 27 September 2012

ncrease the speed of Firefox

If you have a broadband Internet connection and use Firefox you can decrease the time each web page you visit loads by enabling pipelining. Pipelining will make Firefox load more than one request at a time for each page it loads. In other words if the page you are visiting has dozens of images it will load more than one image at a time, making the web page appear faster. Follow the below steps to enable pipelining in Firefox.
  • In the address bar type about:config and press enter.
  • In pipelining in the search box, as shown below.
  • Double-click network.http.pipelining to set the Value to true.
  • Double-click network.http.proxy.pipelining to set the Value to true.
  • Make sure network.http.pipelining.maxrequests is set to a value of more than 30.
  • Right-click in an empty portion of the about:config window and click New and then Integer. Enter nglayout.initialpaint.delay as the name of the integer and for the value make it 0.
  • font-family: verdana, arial; text-align: center;">

    How can I make money online?

    Making money online


    How can I make money online?


    There are dozens of ways to make online, below is a list of legitimate and effective services available online that can help make you money either for a supplemental income or as a full time job. We've tried to make this list as complete as possible with services that can be used by all types of people regardless of how good they are with computers.
    Notice: Whenever trying to make money online be cautious of scammers and other fraudulent services. Keep the below warnings in mind.
    • Don't pay any significant initial or upfront fee, deposit, or down payment. For example, a company or individual claiming special computer hardware or marketing material is needed.
    • Avoid services asking to cash checks into your bank account.
    • BBB
  • Be cautious when asked for personal information such as e-mail, phone numbers, social security, etc.
  • Realize everything you do is going to require some work, there is no such thing as easy ways to make thousands.
  • Finally, always keep the motto "If it sounds to be good to be true, it probably is." in the back of your mind.
  • Full list of ways to stay safe online.

  • Arts and crafts
    Etsy is a fantastic place for any artist or anyone who enjoys making unique handmade goods and is a great place to sell vintage goods. This vibrant community has over 15 million buyers that visit every day and anyone can create their own online shop and make it available to these visitors.
    ArtFire is another great site to set up your own virtual store and sell to millions of people on the Internet. Also, if you're an Etsy member, it is also easy to import your Etsy data into ArtFire to sell your goods on both sites.
    Fiverr is another great site that allows anyone to create pages that list services they're willing to do for $5.00. This could be anything from doing a voice over, creating an animation, giving a review, offering advice, or really anything that others may find useful. Although five dollars may not sound like a lot, tasks that may be easy for you to complete and if several of them can be completed in an hour it can be a good extra income.
    Similar sites include peopleperhour, which allows anyone to do jobs that take one or a few hours to complete for any price they set.
    Kickstarter is a fantastic page for anyone who has an awesome idea or project but doesn't have the capital to fund the project. Using this site anyone can create a page explaining their project or idea and how much they need to fund their project. While creating the project, rewards can be created to help entice people to invest into your project. For example, a reward could be made that gives someone some original art if they donate $200.00 to the project.
    Freelancing projects
    There are dozens of online services that allow anyone from around the world to work at home and complete work for other individuals and companies. Jobs can be anything from writing reviews, designing logos, programming, proofreading, data entry, accounting, payroll, translating, and much more. All of these services allow you to list your qualifications and set your pay rate or browse though available job listings and make a request for hire. Below is a list of some of the popular contractor and freelancing related services.
    In addition to the above services, there are dozens of resource hubs on the Internet that will pay anyone to write good quality content about anything and then pay royalties to the writers based off how frequent their pages are visited. Some good examples of these resource hubs include: HeliumHubPagesSquidoo, and Yahoo! Voices.
    eBooks and other virtual goods
    eBooks and virtual goods are a popular way to make money online because they often take a few hours, weeks, or months to make and then can be sold in unlimited quantity without requiring any inventory or infrastructure. A great online service for any aspiring author is Lulu that allows anyone can write a book or guide about any topic and publish their book in electronic form or create a hard copy, which can be used for book reviewers and other publishers. Other sites that help distribute and sell eBooks and other virtual goods include ClickBankCreatespaceE-Junkie, and Sellfy.
    Photography and audio
    If you enjoy taking pictures, creating illustrations, producing video, or producing audio there are a lot of sites that will pay you for the rights to sell your work to its visitors. One of the biggest online services is iStockphoto, which will give you up to a 45% royalty rate for every picture or work of art they sell. Other sites included DepositphotosDreamstimeFotolia, and Shutterstock.
    If music is more your scene, audiojungle is a site that allows you to upload loops, music, and sound effects to their sites and make royalties from how much music you sell.
    Online Auctions
    Online auction sites such as Amazon sellereBayuBid, and Craigslist are another great way to make income on the Internet. Finding and selling things around your house or visiting your local pawn shops and buying small items to resell on auction sites can make you a lot of money. If you're not sure what to sell or what is in demand do a search on eBay or other auction sites and sort by highest selling item. You'll be surprised by what people are selling and how much people are bidding.
    Website, Blog, or online store
    Making your own website or blog can be a great way to make money on the Internet and if a successful site can easily be something that can be done as a full time job. However, creating a successful site or blog will take a lot of work, learning, and is not something that will start making a lot of money immediately. Before any site or blog can start making serious money, it needs to be getting a lot of visitors.
    If designing your own site or blog sounds like too much, but you have products you're interested in selling using a service to create your own online store may be your best option. Again, once a store has been created you will need a lot of visitors or a unique product to attract buyers.JumpSellerFreewebstore, and Shopify are just a few of the hundreds of online services that allow you to create your own online store.
    Design and sell T-shirts
    Designing your own t-shirt designs can be a fun and rewarding way to make some money on the Internet. Below are a few of the services that allow you to design and make your own t-shirts that can be sold to anyone on the Internet. For each t-shirt sold with your designs, you make a percentage of the income. The sites Spreadshirt and Cafepress are two good examples of these sites.
    Amazon Mechanical Turk
    The Mechanical Turk is a service that allows you to complete easy Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs) and get paid for the work. Often these tasks are simple tasks that almost any human should be able to complete such as identifying colors in an image, finding keywords in a sentence, comparing text, completing a survey, etc. Because of the difficulty level many of these tasks do not pay a lot but can be easily completed and can be a source of supplemental income.
    Review and post on websites
    Websites and companies need users of all types to review their websites and determine what is or isn't working on their sites. Sites likeWhatusersdo and Analysia will pay people to help them review customer websites and give their review of the website.
    There are also many websites and forums on the Internet that need the appearance of a stronger and more active community. There are services online that will pay you for your participation in these sites. Some examples include Postloop.

    Additional information

    Monday 24 September 2012

    How to eliminate unnecessary meetings and turbo-charge the necessary ones.

    It's true. People hate meetings. But for most business people, meetings are a necessary evil. Why are they so detested, and what can be done about it?

    According to Forbes® magazine, a recent survey reported that a whopping 85% of executives said they were unsatisfied with the efficiency and effectiveness of meetings at their companies. Yet many of these management-level men and women spend more than half of their time in meetings.

    Consider some of these alarming statistics about meetings:

    • There are estimated to be more than 11 million business meetings in the US every day.
    • Most executives attend about 62 meetings every month.
    • An average of 5.6 hours per week is spent in meetings.
    • Research has found that over 50% of meeting time is wasted, equating to about one day per week of lost time per employee.
    At this point in the meeting we'll open a discussion of whether or not we needed to have this meeting. Copyright by The Cartoon Bank

    "At this point in the meeting we'll open a discussion of whether or not we needed to have this meeting."

    Buy SmartDraw now and save $100 for a limited time.

    Buy SmartDraw

    So how do we eliminate the "evil" - the unnecessary meetings - while turbo-charging the "necessary" meetings we must have?

    Here are some ways your company can have fewer, better and more productive meetings.

    Eliminate Unnecessary Meetings

    Take an honest and objective look at your organization's meetings. You will likely find that a lot of meetings aren't necessary. Ask these questions about your meetings:

    • Is it just a habit? Many regular meetings have no objective.
    • Is there a specific purpose for this meeting?
    • Is there a defined agenda with a stated goal?
    • Will the result of the meeting have a measurable outcome?
    • Are there one or more decisions that need to be made?
    • Will the decision-makers be in attendance?

    Consider placing this list, or something like it, in your conference room(s)! Eliminating unnecessary meetings will allow you more time to focus on making the important ones better.

    Make Meetings Efficient and Effective

    Certain meetings are necessary. Projects must be managed, decisions must be made, and people need to be apprised of important information. If only 15% of meetings are effective, how do you make sure yours are part of that group?

    The best way is by using visuals. SmartDraw gives you the tools to do this with a variety of easy to use flowcharts, graphs and other templates that will improve the efficiency and productivity of your meetings. Visual communication using SmartDraw has been shown to reduce meeting times by as much as 25%. Effective meetings use a visual agenda that allows you to build action items in real time. This process is known as live information capture and will produce results that are up to six times more effective than communicating with words alone.

    Here are some simple tips that will help make your meetings more effective and efficient.

    1. To communicate effectively - visually - use a conference room projector or connect attendees via computer using an online meeting platform such as WebExTM or GoToMeetingTM.
    2. Have an agenda prepared ahead of time. According to a survey conducted by Microsoft®, 63% of meetings in the US don't have a prepared agenda! Make sure that the agenda is structured around what you want to accomplish, rather than following a rote format. Make the agenda interactive through the use of visuals. Below is an example of an interactive, visual agenda for a product launch created in about a minute using SmartDraw.

      Create an agenda

    3. Share the agenda with other attendees in advance. Elicit feedback and make sure everyone is clear on the purpose and goal of the meeting. In the above agenda, the discussion items are clearly defined. Those attending are made aware - in advance - that decisions will be made, responsibilities will be assigned, and completion dates will be set.
    4. Document decisions, tasks and assignments during the meeting. Assign action items to each person right on the visual agenda in real time. Everyone in the meeting sees the action item assigned. There is no room for different interpretations of action taken and the person assigned the task is publicly accountable for completing it. Here is an Assignment View of the visual agenda being created in real time.

      Assign action items

      As you add dates for the start and completion of each task, SmartDraw automatically builds a timeline for the project, with accountability that everyone in the meeting can see. The meeting has produced a measurable outcome. You can easily switch between the Assignment View and Project Chart View, shown below.

      Project chart

    5. Try to keep meetings brief, but don't sacrifice quality. The goal is to eliminate unnecessary meetings but make sure the ones you have are highly productive.

    Make Sure that the Right People Attend

    If decisions, particularly critical decisions, must be made, then be sure that the decision-makers will be there. If they can't, then the meeting will be a waste of everyone else's time and needs to be canceled or rescheduled.

    Too many meetings involve people who have no stake in the outcome. Those in attendance should be crucial to the decisions that need to be made or the assignments that will be given.

    Be Aware of the Morale Factor

    For many people in the workplace, there is a certain status attached to being included in meetings. They build their schedules around them and may not be happy about fewer meetings and fewer invites.

    Letting everyone know in advance that the company is going to reduce the number of overall meetings, with a focus on making meetings more productive, will let them know they aren't being left out.

    The Key to Successful Meetings: a Great Visual Processor

    To produce great results you need great tools. For effective meetings, use a tool like SmartDraw that is designed for live information capture. SmartDraw has a special template specifically designed for your meeting. It lets you create an easy-to-read agenda, edit in real time, and assign action items to attendees. Best of all, it gives everyone in the meeting a clear and concise plan of action with accountability.

    SmartDraw actually doesn't require any "drawing." You can even use the keyboard to create your visuals. In about the same amount of time it takes to create a (boring) document, you can create an interactive set of visuals with SmartDraw.

    The breakthroughs of automatic formatting and the built-in know-how of SmartDraw enable anyone to create presentation-quality visuals in real-time, or in other words, at the speed of thought.

    Buy Now - Save Now - Start Now

    Turbo-charge your next meeting. Discover for yourself - right now - the powerful benefits of SmartDraw and save $100 by clicking on the button below.

    Now that you're part of the SmartDraw community we invite you to keep in touch with us on your favorite social networks.

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    To read more about conducting visual meetings, download this white paper .

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    To watch a video showing how easy it is to conduct a visual meeting with SmartDraw,
    click here.

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    SmartDraw Software, LLC | 9909 Mira Mesa Blvd. | San Diego, CA 92131 | USA

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    Sony Launched Xperia SL with 1.7 GHz processor and Ice cream sandwich Buy online for Rs. 30,999 : Review and Spec

    An Another Smartphone In the list of recent launches of a Series of Smartphones released by different Companies.The Sony Xperia SL is available online on Flipkart and Infibeam for Rs. 30,999...

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    Galaxy S3 (S Voice) vs iPhone 5 (Siri) : Video

    Posted: 21 Sep 2012 10:07 AM PDT

    Galaxy S3 (S Voice) vs iPhone 5 (Siri) : Video For More Check out Technosphere

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    Free Download and Install Turbo C++ Software on your PC,Laptop

    Posted: 20 Sep 2012 09:30 PM PDT

    Please follow the below steps to get Turbo C++ software and install it into your computer! This software is well running on Windows XP. Download Turbo C++ Software (Three files)  File 1:...

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    Thursday 20 September 2012

    Warning Maujanja ya kutengeneza virusi , Computer usijaribu lakini

    Make Your Own Fake Virus Kutengeneza Virus Fake

    Well if you want to make your own fake virus that is very easy to make and difficult to control for a beginner, this is going to start n number of Command Prompt windows resulting your windows hang and running out out of RAM, Don't click on this virus.bat file after creating it.

    Step#1: Go to notepad and type start virus.bat and in second line virus.bat

    Step#2: Save it as virus.bat

    This is your virus ready to attack, Don't double click on it

    Usije kubonyeza hii ni Virus ya Ukweli anageuka Mdudu huyo .................

    Sindano zisizo na maumivu zinakuja

    unamtisha mwanao ntakuchoma sindano? 

    wengi wetu tumepitia udogoni stage hii ukiambiwa kitu unakataa basi mzazi anakwambia ''ntakupeleka kwa dokta ukachomwe sindano''.

    Wanasayansi wa korea wamegundua sindano ambazo zitatumia laser na kusababisha kutopata maumivu ukitibiwa. Sindano hizo zitapitisha dawa kwenye upenyo wa ngozi wa vinyweleo na kusababisha dawa kuingia bila kuumiza tisue za ngozi

    Njia hii ni mwendelezo kwan mit walishagundua kua wanaweza kutumia mabomba yenye presure kupitisha dawa bila sindano.

    Je tutawatishia nini tena watoto?
    source jf 
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